I know you have established the OD of the bearings, but what about the ID? Are the axles the same OD? If so, why couldn't you put the 4 lug bearing on the 5 lug axle, then redrill the 5 lug backing plate to the 4 lug end pattern? Just thinking outloud.........
Good thought, but according to the smaller 4 lugs bearing number Jamie provided, it is a slightly smaller ID too. I do remember reading posts about the brake backing plates being drilled out for some applications. Good input! Update: I just posted the bearings specs below - you can see the shaft size is smaller! .
Just tried to link the Timkin catalog but it failed to link. You can go to Timkins online catalog and look them up for yourselves. Oh well, Timkin has a definate listing for the 4 lug bearing for a 70 to 72 Maverick. they also list the 5 lug bearing. Here are the numbers. All 5 lug 8" ring gear axles =RW207CCRA Bearing Bore 1.3780 Bearing O.D. 2.8246 Bearing Width .8449 Bore (B) Inches 1.378 Bore (B) MM35 Collar I.D.1.3752 Collar Number R-88107-A Collar O.D.2.095 Collar Width.3980 Inner Ring - W2 Inches 0.8449 Inner Ring - W2 Metric 21.46 OD (D) Inches 2.8346 OD (D) MM72 Outer Ring - W1 Inches 0.8449 Outer Ring - W1 Metric 21.46 Type4Width (W) Inches 0.8449 Width (W) MM21.46 All 70-72 Maverick 4 lug axles =RWF34R Bore (B) Inches 1.3386 Bore (B) MM34 Inner Ring - W2 Inches 0.9449 Inner Ring - W2 Metric 24 OD (D) Inches 2.6772 OD (D) MM 68 Outer Ring - W1 Inches 0.8268 Outer Ring - W1 Metric 21 Type5Width (W) Inches 0.9449 Width (W) MM 24 Hope this prints out OK this time. Eric J .
I don't have any specfic bearing sizes to list but do know that 5 lug axles wouldn't fit in my 4 lug 8 inch '72 Comet. The 4 lug bearing O.D is smaller than the 5 lug and the 4 lug axle itself is also smaller so the 5 lug bearings won't fit. I ended up getting a complete 8 inch rear from Pic A Part for $75 drum to drum.The u bolts and u bolt mount plates for the 4 lug 8 inch are also smaller than the 5 lug.
I have a 71 4 lug 8 inch. So the center section will work in either, correct (4 or 5 lug). In other words can I use my center section assembly out of my 71 in a maverick or granada 8 inch with their 5 lug axles and larger brakes? If I use a granada rear end is their anything different other than it being 3/4" wider. Also is the 3/4" total or both sides 3/4" wider?
All 8" rears are 28 spline and will swap with each other. Ford did make a 2 pinion and a 4 pinion version (spider gears) but I have never personally seen a 4 pinion in an 8". But they all swap just fine. Maverick flange to flange is 56.50" and the Granada is 58.00" = so it would be .75" (3/4") on each side.
Re: More ?'s This was a great thread as I read through it. It left me with a couple more questions though. I'm sure now that ya'll are "Rear-End" experts ya'll can answer my questions... 1st. Can you buy a bearing that allows the use of the 5 lug axles in the 4 lug housing, or does the extra legnth of the axle prevent this? 2nd. What does this do for the ranger rear axle swap? I thought I read that you can use the axles out of a Ranger to convert your 4 lugger to a 5 lugger. It seems the consensis is just swap out the whole axle. What are my options? Thanks, Dave
1st. Can you buy a bearing that allows the use of the 5 lug axles in the 4 lug housing, or does the extra legnth of the axle prevent this? No you need to get bearings for 5 lug only. Its the inside diameter that counts. 2nd. What does this do for the ranger rear axle swap? I thought I read that you can use the axles out of a Ranger to convert your 4 lugger to a 5 lugger. The maverick rear ends are not interchangeable with other models. If you have a mustang II rear end you can put a 5 lug axle from a ranger. The bottom line is if you have a 4 lug and want to change it to a 5 lug. Than you need to swap the whole rear end.
How about having the 4 lug axles redrilled to 5 lug? Or buying axles from say Currie in Cali with the correct axle size and lug pattern?
I would not want to redriffed to make it 5 lug. If Currie can totally machine a custom made axle to fit go for it. You are better off on finding a 5 lug rear end.
Why go through all that trouble and expense to keep a 'tiny tube' 8" rear??? You could just get big 8" axle tubes welded on for less dough and use stock 5 lug axles. However, you could also get 8" tubes and stock 5 lug axles welded to a 9" housing center for the same moeny too. Then have a 9" rear. A turd with a bunch of money thrown at it is just an expensive turd.
I just thought about that statement and realized that, though true, is still a silly way to go. A junkyard 5 lug 8" rear is dirt cheap. Much less than any of the modding we have discussed...
Re: True enough. I am thinking of buying another 4 door doner. I found one with a rebuilt 302 in it and thinking about the rear-end, the front disks and the engine/trans. I can get the car for $700-$800. I just have to make a 300 mile trip to get it. 600 round trip. My problem is with two younger drivers in the fam, and trying to keep them in a car, I already have one extra car that's not being used. An Escort. Plus the Comet. Momma has been very patient with me. If I bring home another car, she's liable to...I'm afraid to think about it. I live in a small suburb which really frowns on "spare cars" sitting around. Especially if it's sittin there w/ no wheels and tires. I really need to find another car hauler so I can dismantle the car while it sits on the trailer. Then, when I get done, I can just scrape it off at the local junk yard.