I am not sure if mine sqeeks at idle or not. Also, I have no carpet or any sound deadener, so like stex said, it really is hard to tell where the sound is coming from. I think I will drive around a little longer and see if it squeeks while moving, and exactly under what circumstances it sqeeks, and when it doesn't.
dont forget your cat. i use a screwdriver as a stethescope personally (just make sure the pointy part is on the car). see if it comes from the starter as it may be rubbing slightly and need to be shimmed or replaced. also make sure your inspection cover and trans/engine plate doesnt have a ding in it that is rubbing. just a thought
So I did a little crawlin around when it was makin the noise and best place I could tell where it was comming from was the fuel pump, oil filter area. About a 1ft radius from that point on back to the transmission (that side of the 302). I listened in around the belts and nadda, listened all the way back on the exhaust lines and nadda. But its strongest point was that spot on back a bit (hard to tell on a direct area). I checked for rubbin lines, any dents along the plates of the oil pan/trans and for any missing/loose bolts and didnt see anything. I can slide under and take some pics if anyone needs a visual of what it looks like in those area's on this car. The mavs goin in to the shop in a couple days to get some rear-end work done, maybe I can pitch the question to them as well...
I had similar problems, it was my alternator bearings. Fixed that, then I could hear the speedo cable... grrr...
Sierra...where you going with the power steering question? Might start to squeek when it gets hot? Or just drawing at straws as it sits on the same side as his squeek? Any history or experience with power steering squeeks at higher temps? I drove mine a bit yesterday, and the weather was nice and cool, and it only squeeked a little and periodically. When it is hotter out, it will squeek almost full time when warm, kind of a rattly-squeeking sound. Almost sounds as if I could grab the dashboard and it would stop, almost metal to metal... Not sure, at this point, if i have the same issue as stex, but the squeeks could be the same, as mine comes from the same side and has the same response to temperatures. Kinda wierd
The fuel pump is new. I didn't think that a fuel pump/oil pump could make a noise like this, all-though i haven't heard a bad one before. Would there be anything that would do this between the engine/trans connection? Metal/liquid that would expand to cause some rubbing in that area?
Water pump bearings make squeaks and knocks. I know we are piling on the possibilities, but we are not there to hear it ourselves. The water pump would also surely be heat sensitive considering the job it has. Dave
My favorite stethescope is my 18" Snap-On 3/8" extension. Someone mashed the female end of it and now it won't go on a rachet. So I use the female end to my ear and the male end on the engine. Works excellent.