Any performance modifications at all should require an external cooler. In fact, if you get one of the good B & M race coolers (or similar design) you could run your lines directlyl through the transmission cooler and bypass the radiator section completely. No way in hell.
For any high output engine and even a stock one that is run hard a cooler is necessary for long life. A high stall converter just adds to the heat load of the transmission and with a higher stall converter you need a larger cooler.
Hughes, Transking, Art Carr, Ultimate Converter are but a few of the better units. Don't buy a damn thing from Ebay. Call one of these companies and get ready to talk.[/quote] To: ShadowMaster Can you give addresses of these companies, www.....? Try to find from google, give me lots of pictures of Hugges family, beautiful.
Hughes Trans King (site sucks) Ultimate Converter Concepts Art Carr Performance Automatic - tell them SD Wheeler referred you That ought to keep you busy.
Good question, and good responses, considering that there are 3-5 people struggling with this question right now...
No, they will probably tell you to F$@k off!!! OR maybe charge you a bit more to cover all the discounts they gave him... Isn't Performance the guy in Houston where you got your mav? With the dyno?
Most of these companies give free tech advise, then get your part # an shop around. Performance Automatic prices are cheaper at parkwayford performance.
OOOPS! Wrong Performance... That is usually what I do... Call Shadow, ask what is the best part for my project, the call around for the cheapest place to buy it
True. Joe Charles will cut you some slack over prices. Just tell him I said his Mach I is a turd and see where that conversation ends up.