A hole saw? You have to have a pilot for it to stay in place for a circle... Unless I am missunderstanding you.
Is rubber really better in there? Seems like that would have some play compared to bushings... Setting aside the arguement about threads turning. What about poly? Could this kit be had with poly? Or could it be retrofitted with poly bushings?
I am starting to wonder how they would hold up to the weight and twisting. After all the weight is applied to the upper A arm. Who has the rubber ones and for how long have you ridden them?
To locate the hole saw take a small piece of 1/8 steel and take the hole saw you are going to use and put a hole in the plate. Take the plate and tack weld it to the tower positioning it over the rough opening.Now take the pilot out of the holesaw and use the hole in the plate to center the holesaw. Thi trick has worked for me many times when needing a hole a different size . Lastchance
The '72 daily driver has the 90 degree zerk fittings, which actually came with the new upper control arms from Mustangs Unlimited. I found I had to dimple the shock towers slightly from the inside out with a punch, because the zerks were touching the front side of the shock towers. Other then that, they work well. The '73 is getting ball bearings in place of the bushings on both the upper control arms and spring perches.
Jamie, are you using the "Opentracker" parts for these? I've considered doing the spring perches myself.