I guess it could be many things. The hoses/tstat etc are all new. I know the tstat is opening. I may try drilling a few holes in it and seeing if that helps... So far is just overheats slowly at an idle...
Cheapest try might be a shroud. I know from experience that no shroud means hot running engine at idle. IF it runs hot at idle and cools down pretty fast once you get moving I would say it is a shroud problem. Electric fans might solve the problem because they have their own shrouds incorporated in the design. You have to be careful with some of the Ford ones since they draw so much current on start up and run. Your electric system has to be up to par to run them. I think I have heard so pull more than 30 amps. That is what, almost 3/4's of a stock Maverick's alternator output? Clint
Engine runs hot I don't have a 351 but a 7 blade and Champion radiator works fine, now I'm pondering what type of fan shroud I should use.
one piece i forgot to mention that may cause it to get hot fast, does your aluminum intake have crossover exhaust ports on it from the heads? if so place your hand over that part of the head just above the port when you first fire off cold. the crappy intake manifold gaskets i had started leaking there real quick (about a month in). preheats the whole engine and compartment reeeeeel gooood >P changed the gaskets and now its nice and cool.
I used a piece of shim stock to block off the cross over on my 460 in the F100. Some people have problems with cold weather operations but I never have and don't have a choke hooked up. It keeps the carb cooler though. Have you tried bleeding the air out yet? clint
Proform 67017 Just installed this on my car and watched the temp go from 190 to 150 with the car running! Awesome fan!
That's a Flex-A-Lite Black Magic fan...maybe a model 155? I had one of those awhile back...but now I have the Flex-A-Lite 185 "Xtreme" series fan. It works very well, but is not cheap: You just gotta make sure you have an alternator that is up to snuff. I've got a 200 amp 3G alternator so I'm good....