So now you know it isn't the horn . But now I too am wondering wtf. Maybe they all do that but no one has ever paid any attention to it.
Wait! You said "wires", I said wire. How many wires are there? I have always seen one. Could there be another wire somewhere else that has rubbed on the outter part of the column?
Well there are 2 black horn wires one the horn ring. And there are 2 horn wires in the wire harness which are the 2 I cut. Now see, its weird. If I don't tighten the steering wheel down it's ok. But when I tighten it down it starts sparking and sometimes causes the car to sputter or shut off.
short? You have a dead short somehwere, a nicked , or grounded (pinched) wire thats causing a short. Is this a ford part? Did it come with the plastic connector at the harness already on it or did you have to reuse the old connector? If so , it is really easy to put a wire in the wrong pinhole.....just a thought. I pinched a wired on my Cougar putting the instrument cluster back in one time and shorted out the entire cluster before I could disconnect the battery...
My '72 diagram shows the horn wire to be green with a red trace, at least up to the connector. Look and see if your wire colors match the other side of the harness... Russ
Craig, I'm gonna shoot you an email and see if you have a harness and a horn ring, maybe the aftermarket piece is causing the trouble. As for the wiring, I made sure nothing was getting pinched, the connectors came pre-installed. I would think if it was a wiring problem then it would do it all the time. But the puzzling thing is it only does it when I have it bolted down tight. If I keep the main steering wheel nut loose there is no problem but then the steering wheel is a bit whobbly. And are you talking about the one with the red arrow? I loosened that one and the one with the blue and it would only move sideways, not forward and back.
How about the ignition switch? You mentioned that the car would shut off if I recall. Did you look at that? At this point i'm looking at anything that is connected to the column.
Thanks for that. Ok, I just ordered the ignition switch from autozone for $25 to the door. I'll see if that will fix it.
The bracket on mine bolts up with no movement in any direction. Bolting the bracket to the bracing I have like 1/8" play, not much.