I dont need the rockers after all, the guy I am getting the heads from has a set for me! You should PM svthauln and snatch them up...
I was going to buy them just to hold on to. If somebody else has a use for them go for it. If nobody comes forward I'll take them.
Ok I just picked up my GT40 Heads and 1.7 ratio cobra rockers.... now I need to select a cam... the springs on the heads are rated for a max lift of .500 .... I dont want anything radical just something that will idle good and give lots of low end torque.... What are you guys running that is similar to what I described? Thanks for any info
Look at the Performer plus cam from Edelbrock. It has a smooth idle and will pull into the 5500 rpm range. The specs are like: duration (SAE) 204 Int / 214 Ex LSA 110 degrees. This cam has a longer exhaust duration to help compensate for the small exhaust port of the Ford heads. It give a smooth idle with a bunch more torque on the low end and a moderate but higher hp throughout the entire range.
Ok I'll take a look at the edlbrock, any others that might work? Keep in mind I have to keep the lift under 500 WITH the 1.7 ratio rockers... Thanks
Most manufactures will state the lift specs with the stock 1.6 rockers. So be sure to note that when your cam shopping.
I think I am going for this cam... http://www.compcams.com/Cam_Specs/CamDetails.aspx?csid=790&sb=2 it will give me a .463 lift with the 1.7 ratio rockers, smooth idle, not as high rev as the edelbrock but the edelbrock doesnt recommend the use of 1.7 ratio....