Fellow Maverick and Comet enthusiast, Sorry for the late notice. <B><BIG>Second annual Maverick Comet Club International New England mini meet!</BIG></B> Lets do it again this year! I'd like to hold our meet on sunday August 22'nd at New England Dragway in Epping New Hampshire. This once again is in conjunction with Fun ford weekend! I'll be there Saturday and Sunday but I'd like to have the meet on sunday so everyone doesn't feel obligated to stay both days. Details can be found by clicking the link below... FUN FORD Weekend Epping NH august 21 and 22 I hope everyone can make it! Please tell your maverick and Comet friends! PLEASE respond. Anybody have comments or suggestion? 10th Annual New England FFW Nationals New England Dragway - August 21-22, 2004 How To Enter The UPR FFW Car Show: Upon arriving at the track, purchase your Car Show ticket from the entry gate. After receiving your ticket proceed to the Fun Ford Weekend Trailer for registration and directions. Trailered cars must be unloaded and you will be directed by an Event Official to a trailer designated parking area. [font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]CAR SHOW SCHEDULE • Gates Open 8:00 AM • Registration 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM • Award Judging 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM • Award Presentation 3:30 PM [/font][font=Times New Roman, Times, serif] CAR SHOW ENTRY FEES • One Day - Car & Driver $30.00 • Two Day - Car & Driver $40.00 Special Show Participants plaques and goody bags for participants! [/font]TRACK INFORMATION New England Dragway Route 27 Epping, NH 03042 Phone:603-679-8001 Fax:603-679-1955 Website:www.newenglanddragway.com » Click here for map/directions
I hope you can make it. Tell your friends. We had 5 Mavericks last year and more than that racing. All great people. I've been in touch with Bill Alexander the president of fun ford he's looking forward to having us. I'm bringing a 10x20 canopy this year, I'd like to draw a bit more attention to our cars.
The show is this weekend. It's pouring out today but tomorrow is supposed to be beautiful for the mini meet.
Grabber351 Sorry I couldn't make it. I ended on call for towing at my shop (tow for the P.D.). Hope the day was great. Any pic please post them. it was a great day here, all sun. If you have a get togeather post it, It would be great to meet you and any other people.
We had 5 Mavericks in attendance on Sunday. It was a very nice day. Mavericks did very well. 3 awards. My 73 Grabber got "Best Modified Maverick" Gary Banks 69.5 got "Best original Maverick" (the Maverick awards are to be sent by mail ) Will and Lynne's 71 Grabber got "Best Mustang" later resolved to "Best Open class" Maine Mav, Robert also had his 73 Maverick in attendance but left early. Roger M. had his 71(or is it a 72)Grabber there but didn't enter the show and left early. I will say that Mavericks were very popular in the show area. I have pictures but my internet at home has been down for a week so I can't get to them. I'll post a few the Robert sent me. (follow the link) http://f1.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/wpo351/album?.dir=/a17e