yes thats true ..they also run cowl air to keep the chunks of rubber and other debris from plugging up the ram air intake screens when there right up another cars caboose at 200+ mph. not to mention the very hot track surface temps. would defeat the whole idea of cold air intake. unlike buddies car that might see the other side of 130 mph. for less than 1% of its life. so in a street car.. ram air is not such a bad idea..and ram air pressure is pretty much a non factor when considering carb. induction formulas in speeds under 100 mph for a street car. just a friendly opinion.
You can set up a ram scoop to start working at most any speed. Above 60 mph it is relatively easy to get a ram effect with the room you have on most detroit iron. Tuning with ram air is the hard part. It is a lot easier to use cold air induction and easier to tune as well.