I got an old original underdash AC unit outta a 71 Grabber to install in my 72 Grabber. My question is... when i mount that unit under the TRAY, is the AC unit going to mount more OVER the driver side hump? The reason im asking is bcause the 2 squirel cages keep hitting the lower heater plenum keeps hitting the back of the AC unit and the AC unit wont go back far enough under the tray... Thanks! Chaz.
"I got an old original underdash AC unit outta a 71 Grabber." didn't know they made one... how was it mounted in the other car?
someone on here has one, I saw a pic a while back but it is buried in a thread about something else. I didn't know they made one for a Maverick. Looks like a retrofitted Mustang or Falcon piece.
Im not sure if this will help but here are some parts pictures of under the dash AC units ... http://1bad6t.com/Maverick/diagrams/aircondition.html
Well, I was told it was out of a 71 Maverick. I never saw any pics... That old thread MIGHT have been me, I have installed the unit yet... I have a 1969 Mustang Deluxe Console i have between my bucket seats and im trying to mate it up to this AC unit. Well since mine MIGHT be a retrofit. I guess ill have to make due... SIGH. Thanks for the diagrams. Ill bookmark those for when I get the rest of the hoses, etc.. CHaz.
FOund it! I think this is the picture you were looking for.. This is the AC unit I have. It has a piece that mounts on the right and left hand side that go down the bottom of the TRAY so you can have air by the doors. http://mmb.maverick.to/showthread.php?t=65918
The Deluxe Hang on for 72... Wouldnt happen to the the part # for the WHOLE AC unit would you? D2DZ? and the last letter? ALso, WHere does the unit get the fans from to push the air out? the one i have has 2 squrrial cages on it... Chaz.
If I understand what you're asking about the fans, the air gets pulled in through the center of each squirrel cage and is forced through the evaporator and out the vents.
I believe those get forced air from the OEM heater box, I think it plumbs into the floor duct outlet on the heater distribution box.
THATS THE ONE I HAVE!!!! Chaz. I just emailed him to ask him HOW his was mounted... I wonder if the package tray was removed..
Im thinking, IF i remove the lower Plastic plenum behind the tray (The floor air distribution duct), this unit MIGHT fit.. Will it hurt anything if i remove it? Chaz.
It shud'nt hurt anything. I've had mine off for 18mos., going to put it back now that I installed new heater core. You just won't be able to have warm air to each side of the hump.