I've changed rod and main bearings laying under the car but never a crank. If you get to the point of changing a crank, you're also at the point that the block should be taken out of the car, cleaned and checked by a machine shop
I would not do that. I would pull the motor. strip it and take it all to a machine shop for a complete rebuild. IMHO short cuts are a crap shoot if you lose you end up with crap. If your bearings are shot you might need a head job, Just sayin.
Its not going to be fun especially with an inline 6. Thats a big hunk of metal to be messing with on your back. By the time you unbolt and move the trans back your only a few bolts and hoses away from pulling the engine. Its too easy to damage something or make a mistake when your doing it on your back. Your going to get tired,sore and pissed off. You dont want to be any of those when your putting a lower end together.
I agree with the rest really should pull unless you find the oil pump screen plugged or pump loose .main brgs and even rods are very doable but it is a patch may last years and might not. put a high volume pump in also. mhoss
I wouldn't mess with any of it. Good running, low mileage 6 cyl engines come up for sale all the time. Buy one of those.
i've been looking in utah for the past few months for a different engine. but no luck. i'm going to do a compression test on the motor later today to see where that is at to determine how much wear is in the piston bores. if that all comes out good then i will pull the pan and change my pump and check the bearing caps. if i need to do the work on it then i will pull the motore to do it. i figured it would be easier to pull the motor but i wanted to ask and find out. this is my daily driver and i can't have it down for too long.
Since it is your daily driver...I would continue to look for another motor that you can either: 1. drop in and go 2. Rebuild the used motor and continue to drive your car. When you get the used motor rebuilt, makde the swap.