Put a boot on it at night? http://www.p-wholesale.com/upimg/9/433a1/anti-theft-car-wheel-lock-wheel-boot-std98lb-399.jpg http://www.universalboot.com/anti-theft-locks/wheel-locks-for-cars
I think Lojack now has a GPS and an app for smart phone users. If you are at the movies or dinner and your car moves even a few feet without your permission it alerts your phone.
OK, picture this scenario. You are in the movies, and hopefully, you have your phone off or at least on vibrate. Repo guy hooks up to your car and starts driving off with it. If your phone actually alerts you that the car is moving, how long does it take to get outside the theater and into the parking area where your car WAS? Now, how far will that tow truck be away from your parking spot by that time? I would rather enjoy the movie, then go out and find my car gone, instead of having my movie interrupted, go outside and find my car gone. Then go back inside and my girlfriend is making out with some other guy (or girl) because I took off and left her without any explanation. Lost the car, the movie, AND the girl!
Hope the person that wants your car isn't a board member. They probably know what parts you have in your car and some of y'all told your secrets.
let's think about this for a minute...a show of hands of everyone that has had their Mav/Comet stolen...not any other car or truck or a friends car or truck...just yours... ...:Handshake...
give me a phone no. and i will tell you what too do harry I done mine ten years go and still have .I had mine on a car lot for sale and they to get and they made the pass door glass go down into the door and broke the rt mirror of of the door but they could not start the car i brought it home the next day
Hey, the sooner you know it's being stolen the better. And you have a chance to identify who's taking it. And how they are taking it. Maybe see them and give a direction/ description to the police. Either way you know something's up right away instead of coming home from vacation and realizing the thieves have a huge head start on you. P.S. Who the hell are you dating? AND it's not a country music song any more if you get the girl she's making out with to go home with you in the car you still have
...I don't care about the kid in high school that got his...Boss 302...4 speed Grabber GT stolen... just seeing where ...Mav/Comets are on the ...hot car list... I think you guys are thinking these cars are something someone would steal...if there is no market for the cars/parts...you're good... if you think about it...we are the market... myself I have Hagerty... same with my house...they steal... the old stuff, I get new stuff...circle of life......homeowners ins... ...I'm not a materialistic person...
Maybe because I've almost never been a crime victim, I don't worry a lot about it. (Did did get my tires slashed once but how would you prevent that?) If (when?) it happens we'll deal with it. In the meantime, I enjoy sharing the stuff done to the Maverick with people that enjoy hearing/reading about it. For me, the fun of sharing outweighs any additional risk of theft. No secrets. Edit: On the other hand, I won't leave it parked in a hotel lot overnight unless its surrounded by classics. So, I do take some precautions but no secrets. Oh yeah, and there was that attempted holdup. Guess I just don't think about it a lot.