I am looking for any help in locating my 1970 Maverick which was stolen from Warrenton Mo tonight (Friday August 19, 2011) I know this is a long shot but I am putting it in every web page I can think of. Thanks for any help John
Wow that sucks...It's not like it's the kinda car that will blend in, should be easy pickings for the cops. Was it from your house?
They took it from my shop.. At least they would nice enough to lock the gate when they left...... We drove many of the back roads hoping to possibly find it.. With no luck The police feel it was some kids, so here is hoping, 27 years of having it, that is what s%*%ks. and alot of work.
Nothing lower than a thief. Cops here usually don't look very hard for stolen cars. They say most of the time they "turn up" with in 24 hrs. I hope you find it in one piece.
John, I'm very sorry to here that, I'm posting this on Ford Muscle. I wish you the best in recovery. Ward
Sorry to hear, hopefully it is kids for a joy ride and found intact. Good luck and will post on other sites as well.