I like my rear door handles, with out them the side of the car is just too plain, not a fan of shaved handles on any car any way. I also prefer my 4 door over a 2 door, it's more unique (as far as I know I have the only turbo charged 4 door mav in the U.S.)
"Denial" is not a river in Egypt. There are plenty of ways to make a car look not "too plain" without having two extra door handles.
Just cause you don't like 4 doors doesn't mean everybody else hates them too. When I first got the car I would have rather had a 2 door, but as I said in my previous post "MY" 4 door. And mavericks don't have a lot of curves to distract your eyes away from looking at a 2 door wanna be.
I was only offering a suggestion for making the car look cooler. I don't understand your last sentence here.
nice build man! i like the turbo, i plan to go boosted on my 4 door too down the road. im thinkin single turbo+306+3.55's= check out my project 4 door Isabelle
Thanks, looks like you've got a good start on yours. You may want to go with a 3.25 rear over a 3.55 with a turbo unless your planning on running a tall tire, turbos also like the added load from the higher gear. I have a 3.80 gear in mine with a 26" tall tire and I run of of gear just before the 1000' mark, I plan on swapping to a 3.25 when I get it running again.
Been a while since I've updated this tread, and there isn't really much good news. I did get it running again and the new(used) engine runs great and is making more power on 6psi then the last engine at the same boost pressure. On to the bad, I'm off from work on a week day and decide to take my car for a spirited joy ride. To make a long story short I hit a phone pole due to a brake malfunction. After the accident I lost interest for a few month's. When I finally got motivated to start work on it, I went to move it and the brake pedal went to the floor. Popped the cap to the master cyl and the rear half was empty. I'm guessing one of the front wheel cylinders was leaking, never checked, and probably why one of the wheels locked. At this point I decided to swap to disc brakes, make all new lines, and replace all the hoses (forgot to take pics). I pulled the pass door and fender from my parts car. So far I've fixed a dent and small rust holes in the door, but still have some plastic work to do on it. The fender from the parts car is not anywhere near as nice as the door. I was going to try to make 1 fender out of 2 as I couldn't find one for sale within 300 miles. A couple of weeks ago my buddy goes to the junk yard and tells me there's a mav in the parking lot waiting for processing. The next day I went to the yard and it's still in the parking lot (turns out to be a 71 comet). This thing is a rust bucket, every panel is rusted and beat up, except for the pass fender. I'm thinking the car gods are shining on me, go into the entrance and ask the guy when it's going to be put in the yard. He says "don't know man", so I ask if I can pull the fender in the parking lot, he says "na man". My buddy and I go into the yard to get something for some pos he's working on. As we're going through the exit I ask a different guy, he says I can pull it in the parking lot if I give him my I.D. I think the reason the fender wasn't rusty is it looks to be a replacement. It's the only mav fender I've seen that didn't have under coating on the inside(not that I've seen alot). At this point I've been waiting on my dad's foot to heal up(he fell off a ladder and compound shattered his heel) so he can help me pull the door post straight, it was in about .5in. We pulled it this past Sunday and it came out nearly perfect. Now that the hard part is done I'm going to really be trying to get this thing ready for paint by June. [/URL][/IMG] [/URL][/IMG] [/URL][/IMG] This is an early fender that I am making into a laate fender with a piece from the original fender [/URL][/IMG] And heres one of the car that donated the fender, post fender removal [/URL][/IMG]