Thank you for responding! I hadn't thought about checking the mating surfaces--more things to worry about!
Thank you for responding! I've not taken it off yet. I'm just preparing for a "worst case scenario".
Hello! I have a '71 Mav, 200 engine. I have a feeling that the gasket is shot because I'm getting smells inside. I've felt the exhaust pipe nearly...
I made a short video about the PCV and engine valves: [MEDIA]
Got it, thanks!
Ah! Thank you! I was using '70 for my search, I'll try '69!
Hello Again! Does anyone know where I can get the formed PCV valve-to-carb hose for a 1971 Mav with a 200? Looks like I'm on another Holy Quest!...
Having not seen a video on how to insert the filler tube, I made one! This is good for not only Mavericks and Comets, but Mustangs from 1971 and...
Neither oil nor grease came in contact with the parts. I've done some research after I posted my query. It's looking like that due the composite...
Hi Craig and Frank! Thank you for your responses! I think I'll forgo buying a whole valance, to get the part. Since it's been driving fine...
Hello! I'm nearly done with the whole gas tank operation for my '71 Mav. I noticed on the rear valance--the part that the license plate attaches,...
Hello, I have a '71 Mav with a 200 engine. I'm getting conflicting info on the proper width of the flange gasket (donut). Please help! Thank you!
dgodding, Thank you! I wasn't aware of that product, I'll check it out! I realized a plastic fastener won't work because the metal clip goes...
Hello, I have a '71 Mav. I'm in the process of gluing cracks in the fiberboard door panel (driver's side)--a long awaited mini-project. The metal...
Thank you all for your responses! So the WD40, Vaseline, or silicon lube won't contaminate the gas? Having a rebuilt carb, I'm very concerned...
Hello! I have a '71 Mav that I've had the gas tank cleaned. I've replaced the filler tube grommet, but now I can't seem to get the tube into the...
Hi! I'm not sure a dual exhaust would work for a straight 200, but if I ever go up in engine size, it's worth considering!
Hi Everyone! I discovered that the rear bracket rubber is severely cracking. I'm wanting to replace the unit, preferably before the muffler...
Hi Groberts101, Thank you very much for the suggestion! The gas turned into varnish so I decided to get it professionally cleaned. Also, without...
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