thats good to hear. ill check the gap today. i used jb because i couldnt find that spacer that covered egr port anywhere. i still cant.
i had the exact same symptoms a few days ago. the jb weld i had blocking the egr port on the intake i have fell through. huge exhaust leak. dont...
ok so. i used jb weld to plug up the hole. it got sucked in... where did it go? is it possible it bent my valve in cylinder #5 valve? cylinder #5...
i see. i just want to replace these airshocks that are on here. i might go for a smoother ride. more comfortable anyone have any personal experience with these? how...
problem solved. the dude said he couldnt find anything wrong with the carb; but when we put it back on, it fired right up and idles normally now....
we played around with that, when it is wide open it will stay running. when it is slightly open, the idle will drop; but it will also die. i...
302 c4. holley 4160 vac sec. list 6919. checked all the vacuum lines, but it still seems like there is one.
hopefully i will get to try those things today. timing is definitely part of the problem (backfires through carb). im gonna check with a local...
ok so we got it to stay running but it wont idle below 1500 rpm without dieing. we cant figure it out. im thinking it might possible be a blocked...
after looking at it more closely, i notice that the cylinder walls are pretty worn. im hoping i dont have to bore it; but as it looks currently,...
So today we put a holley 4160 vacuum secondary carb that i just rebuilt on my car. and it started right up, but it will only fun for a few seconds...
the cross hatch is still there, but there is some vertical wear lines. i figured i would just have a shop bore it 30 over to get rid of...
alright heres the deal. family schtuff has required my finds be allocated elswhere. (typical i know) so since i wont have the funds necessary to...
what kind of audio set up do you have and what kind of layout? i like this idea
hey what kind of rims were those in the beginning of the build?
do you use the electric fan with your regular one? or is it one or the other?
just check craigslist or your local pick your part. you might be able to get a set of regular gt40 heads for around 300. cheaper and a lot less hassle
yeah. we were looking for roller motors and then i look down and say, "Dude, are those gt40 heads?" hahaha i will do what i can to keep you guys...
holy moly thats nasty. yeah the one i picked up isnt as bad
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