Ratio 411, You are a man after my own heart!:thumbsup: I agree compleatly!! Let them go bankrupt. It is crazy how much money the CEO's of these...
My brothers first car was a 72 Grand torino Sport. I loved that car more than he did. After he got married his wife made him sell it and it was...
You really should have a master cyl for 4 wheel disk brakes, the stock disk drum, drum drum master cyl does not have enough volume to supply The...
SWEET, its amazing what that little spoiler does for the look of these cars.:D
:rl: silly
We are praying for a full recovery! My wife has the same thing, its no fun! Mark
Will you be reproducing the block side pivot ball?:)
Too cool maybee ill try the same, $4 gal gas is a real killer! I should have kept the engine from my SVO. :D
Me too:D
The new ford motorsport cat. has the sizes of the motors listed in the back, try giong to their web site and you can down load it. :D
We felt it way down here in GA. hope all are well!!:)
I love it! See You There!:thumbs2:
Best $20 you could spend!! This is PRICLESS!!:thumbs2:
I think he is referring to the Brazilian parts:)
THANKS for all the hard work!:thumbs2: this shure does make the hobby much more enjoyable! I hope this brings you a fortune:D Mark
I am a member of the AFA, and support their(our) right to boycott a company that has veiws apposed to our Religious beleifs. However I nor anyone...
Take in to consideration revising the shock towers. Maybe using somthing like 67 up mustang parts?:D
Here is mine as of now.:)
Separate names with a comma.