Was that a cage made for a maverick or did you make it yourself?
That is not a very good assumption, when in Tucson they had a huge group around 10.5 to 11.2 but they picked a 12.2 to 12.5 class. I think it also...
i have the same wheel and tire combo as 74CometGT351W just mentioned on my 87 mustang daily driver. I have had no problems with them yet, you just...
Do you have any slapper bars or cal tracs on it? if not either one should help with the traction problems. also what tires are you running?
i agree check the width we got one and it was too wide so we had a friend of ours cut it and weld the corners up so we no longer have a problem.
yes i know who your track manager is. and that is a cool thing from the Eric Medlen foundation. we only really have one school that has a team and...
wow that is cool we have nothing like that and after i won all six of the races in the first series last year the car count was really bad for the...
well i graduate this may but i am not running in the high school class. they run it right after pro and with the poor car count in high shool it...
well hopefully i will see you there. i think we are planning to go if someone in my family is in the top four or could run in the race of...
Congradulations!! are you planning on going to fallon for the E.T. finals in fallon this year?
the bolt holes on the flexplate should only line up one way on the crank
well i don't think you will get that good of gas mileage. i have an 87 mustang(EFI) and in town i can get about 15mpg. now this is not stock and...
one question to be asked is what kind of gas mileage do you get now and what is your driving style, do you putt around or are you always at WOT
welcome, I think merles will have the motor mounts. they had the v8 ones on the shelf.
well i think we went with the wilwoods. my parents are giving these to me as a christmas present and gave me the choice of aerospace and wilwood....
I am trying to order disc brakes from aerospace but we are having problems with what to order. i have drum right now so i have a four bolt backing...
well we are now done racing for the year 2007. Mavericks were not very well represented in numbers but they dominated the no box winners circle.:D...
do you know if there is a big weight difference between this and the stock 70 grill?
we are having a big bucks race and party at SIR in Tucson over the holiday weekend. It starts with parking on friday and goes through new years...
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