Swapped the icm again. New ignition switch. New headlight switch. Removed electric choke. 1st crank in about 2 months. 10 mile test run was...
I couldn't find this wire loom between the dash and the firewall... is it under this cover? And how do I get this off? I cant take the dash and...
Now that I changed the control module, the car runs pretty good. ...but... now I can be running down the road, anywhere from slow cruise through...
Dangit. I don't like yall's snswers... thats about what I was thinking though. I appreciate your inputs.
It started by taking a while to go into gear. Then, I was driving normal, shifter in drive, it was slipping between the 1-2 shift. Now its...
Mail ran today...got the control module installed, fired right up. Thanks for the help and inputs. Next up...a decent carb.
Pulled the coil wire off the distributer, held it near ground and cranked it. During cranking, nothing...except right as I released the key, then...
I'm currently waiting on the ICM in the mail. Now the car wont start at all. Couple days ago I cranked on it for a while and it finally fired and...
Thats what I'm I'm talking about spxer... I hate chasing grimlens... So, the voltage regulator... it looks like the newest part under the hood,...
I did have some semi-loose wires on the solenoid, but they didn't seem that loose. I tightened them, charged the battery, and the next day it was...
I drove 10 miles down the road with no issue. Stayed for 2 hours or so and tried to leave. Battery was dead...short, bad ground, idk, its a new...
Those videos are pretty good. I still need to figure out how to remove the chrome trim from the clips without damaging it. Useful stuff...
I have a new weather seal for my windshield because its leaking when it rains. I got to looking at how the windshield is installed and the chrome...
Thanks Craig, exactly what I needed.
Thats the question... should I get a shroud for my current fan, or install an electric fan? If I go the electric fan route, there are several out...
Thats kinda cool... does it come with the square mounting plate on the fender, or is that one a factory piece thats modified?
To be honest, no, i havent, but i havent considered anything really. I have a hole in my fender and no radio... I enjoy the mechanical side of fun...
Is there a recommended vender to find something as simple as a radio antenna, or is that something to just pick up at a local car audio retailer?...
Useful info... thanks guys
yeah... I kept reading and saw the responses... someone else mentioned value "for our cars" vs. higher end cars, so I just left my post...I still...
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