I made a quick trip to the junk yard that I gave my maverick body to. I was actually hoping to see it in the yard to pull a part that I could use....
I ran a second switched wire from the ignition that I could use as an anti theft device. If I ever thought my car wasn't in a safe place I would...
I've used Hurst roll control in the past on other cars.
Well after replacing the heater core and getting it all tied back up.....The blower motor decided to take a dump. Pulled it out last weekend and...
Put a new heater core in. The old one had a leak. One of the inlets decided to turn into a drain. The second time I've had to do this in the 10 or...
Going threw some old home movies and came across these. My dad's 72 comet gt and a friends 74 maverick. This was shot in Dec of 73 [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
After having enough of high pressure in my gas tank I decided to track the problem. While I was replacing the vapor hose that run to the air...
Don't forget the basics. I have to have my belts banjo tight on mine or I get the same condition.
They make great daily drivers. Been driving this one for the past 10 years. But in those 10 years I've replaced just about everything you can....
After getting pulled over for a head light being out that I didn't know about. Well I had to put in new head light buckets. Oh....and a sweet gas...
Just got back from a trip with it. Detroit to Orlando and back.
Welded in some patches in the floor boards and put new carpet in. Now all I have left to do on the interior is the drivers seat needs a new cover....
On my 4th one....But only 1 at a time.
Bought a Sears cruise control off ebay and installed it....I'm gettin lazy in my old age. Remote door and trunk locks Power windows Power...
After rebuilding a 3+ 1 toploader. I made some shift rods and finished putting it in today.
Power windows Just finished putting power window units in. They almost look like they were made for it. Guess I'm gettin lazy in my old age....
They reshot my street. It used to be out front but now it's in the drive and you can barely see it.
Been driving it almost every day since I bought it in 04 I think it was? Other than the days I repainted or swapped the engine.
Frame mounts Make sure you have them in correct. There is a front to back offset.
Got a little warm the other day in traffic Built a shroud to mount a new electric fan.
Separate names with a comma.