Hi just a quick question i have a 73 comet with a 302 .....i already know they make headers for my car but do they make headers for a column shift...
thanks found out what it was....felt foolish i had to ask
Hi all just a question i would like to replace the hoses on my comet....from the pump to the cylinder/control valve. The question i have is that i...
No obsolete
Thanks i know all about them .....i was just looking for a stock looking one
I have a 73 comet with a 302,AC,Auto trans...Does anybody know where i can get a new radiator(i already checked auto krafters). Also why does it...
Wanting to buy GOOD RADIATOR for my 73 COMET....It has a 302, auto trans and a/c im in Detroit this week have cash in hand thanks Frank:thumbsup:
Thats why i put Heet in mine.......glad to hear it.:thumbs2:
No i dont have the link i know his name was miller it was a white mav with black stripes, also it did not have the mustang II front end it was a...
Oddly mine did the same thing when i bought mine 8 months ago and i was stumped I checked everything and looked at the service records and nothing...
Came across MILLERS mav and it had struts on the front, is there any advantage to this? Also if there is what would be the parts needed to do the...
Just asking i have a 73 comet 302 with 15/16 plugs and i want to change them but when i ask for new plugs they want to give me plugs that look the...
Do you know who he is?
Just wondering is there companies out there that make upholtery kits for mavericks or comets? I have a 73 comet with the tan color which i like...
Replaced my carb with a rebuilt one,got everything hooked and noticed a leak under my door it was trans fluid....to m,ake a long story short after...
i figuered all this out but how do i post....lol sorry
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