Pues Manos a la obra!!!! Espero que pongas unas fotos pa ver como esta tu carro :thumbsup:!!!!!
BIenvenido AL mejor foro de maverick comet!!!
:Welcome: From D Colorado!!!!!!!
Bienvenido YO Tambien tengo familia en jal IoI pues que bueno que te gustan los maverick aqui hay un buen de ellos jajajajja Espero que pronto...
Ok maybe it took me closer to 2 hours than 4. I don't have a lot of the tools or equipment I need so sometimes it takes me longer. Plus, this is...
I did not move the engine but I move some parts!
is a Column shift
yes those are hedman shorties!!!
4 hours trying to make the Hedders fit :idea: [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
What paint? Single stage or BC/CC? Candy Apple Red Metallic bc http://www.paintforcars.com/kits_starfire_cdyapleredmet.html
I think that i did a good job I will post more pictures tomorrow
I Just painted the hood What do you think about it? [ATTACH]
Welcome :Welcome: Bienvenido :Handshake
that is really sad:cry: and funny at the same time:biglaugh:
this video has been removed by the user.
nice small cars how about these minicars [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I like some of these cars and Yes i like it !! the pinto looks nice!!
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33194543/ns/business-autos?gt1=43001&pg=8#BIZ_uglycars_091006 Ford Pinto :thumbsup:
my old vid 1 year ago YouTube - Mercury Comet 71-v8
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