i know one thing.. its catching me too.. i was jsut gonna replace the carb.. now the motor and trans are out awaiting a freshening. jsut wish my...
nice cars cometprincess.. sweet
well i can have it down for as long as i want.. but id much prefer only another two or three months. i would like to drive it this year. money and...
the truth shall set you free...jamie. oddly enough i have been told that since i was ten.. :16suspect i wonder why... i wont be old till my...
i ahve always had 4 doors since i been driving.. never had a two door. ever. now that i think about it.. that is kinda wierd.
mee too jamie.. its not been a problem. anyone have an answer about the rings?
man you guys.. yall allmake my car look like crud... "i wish to aspire to your heights.." i jsut want mine running again.
thats cause grandmas weigh less :confused:
where am i getting my block back from? i have to send it off? i was just gonna have the head sent off.. how do i tell if i need new pushrods and...
just out of curiosity... how many 4 drs are out there? i dont see many .. mainly i see 2 drs. they make less or something?
finally.. got the motor and trans out of the 4 dr.. gonna try my hand at rebuilding. anyone got ideas or tips? thinking just gonna keep it stock.....
craig.. you just solved a dilemma for me... i have been racking my brain to figure out why my heat didnt work... (dont need it now but...) now i...
this car have power steering??
jamie.. id loan ya mine.. but its not the best.. and itd have to be after 6 pm tonight before i could get back home
longview is my old stomping grounds.. used to get into so much trouble at grahams central station... whooo!!!!! now i remember why i moved to...
i have defintiely gotta look you guys up next time i go visit my mom in liberty city... i grew up in that area..
ahh.. ok... thanx for the info
i know this will sound stupid... but what purpose do shackles serve?
ya know what???? it would look intersting tho wouldnt it??? i dont have the tools or know-how to fab tho. i wonder if someone could photoshop it...
would rear grabber style spoiler work on a four door??
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