thanks for he warm welcome! This mav my brother started doing as a tribute to my dad who passed away when we were 14 and thirteen years old, now...
i just started a thread, so i didn't hijack yours, I'll upload the pics from my phone tonight and get a complete interior shot for ya!
a few more.....
here's a few more while in progress, my son loves to help! he's only 2!
Been lurking here for almost a year now, here's my back story.... My family has been a maverick family since i was a kid, started with my dad's...
LOOKS LIKE YOUR DOING GREAT WORK!!!! keep it up and she's gonna be one sweet ride! ps~ thanks for the turn signals and parts you sent, i got...
Matterick, I envy you!!!!! you always have great finds! wish i had the time to do that stuff!
yah, i hope not in the 1/8, sorry, over looked that and was thinking 1/4
interesting, I'm also running a very similar setup, 86 5.0, summits brand performer intake, and 600 carb, only diff, i have a 3000 stall and 3:55...
Felix Grundy Festival Car Show July 9th 9am-3pm let me know if anyone wants to help or be a sponsor. Live DJ coming and TOWMATER from...
my cam was broke, got it off and replaced it, now mine work too!!!!!:yahoo: put a new to me steering wheel on while i was in there!
I am amazed..... I spent 3 hours lastnight, doing this exact same thing, I traced my white/blue striped wire back to the bulkhead. re-did the...
You'll have to sand for paint to stick. Get some RED scotch brite and a can of comet cleaner (the powder) clean, degrease, and scuff all at...
you don't have to settle for what the insurance company offers you for your car, the adjuster makes the decision on what to pay you and his job is...
when using a late model timing cover and a front sump oil pan, can you keep the dipstick in the side of the block? or plug it and drill the timing...
where can you get these? or any other quality seat belts for that matter?
what kind of Reman engine did you get that had a old timing chain on it? the ones we sell have new ones installed..... not sure where all...
is it a 4.7L? they are known for oil sludge and timing chain issues. my recommendation is check the crank sensor, alot of times they get knocked...
Ya'll probably dislike me for saying this, but i kind of consider the fusion to be the new age maverick, that's why i bought one! been thinking...
I'm not sure how common, but I'd check your electrical connections, to make sure they all have good contact. maybe its cutting out and not...
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