Can't figure out how to install the V8 frame mounts on my car to make it a 302:confused: They just don't seem to go in right and line up with the...
Thank You Thank You:)
They are Retractable bealts oringal maverick belats. My car is 77 2dr separte bucket seats and already has the buckels. I have 3 long bolts and 3...
Hi, Could somebody tell me how do i install the fornt seat belts on my mav? Is there any diagrams or pic that may help me?
I have a question on what type of Exhaust System to use omy 77 2 dr maverick with a 302 engine in it. When i went to put the exhaust/mufflers on...
Update Transmission and speed-o cable fixed:thumbsup:. All i need are the V8 frame mounts anybody think they can help me out with that? Thanks :clap:
Update Transmission fixed and speed-o cable working:thumbsup:. All i need is some V8 frame mounts anybody have some? Thanks
Drilling? Would drilling the holes not casue the horns to weaken? what about the high of the engine wouldn't it go lower would that be a big...
Automatic Its an auto
seed-o cable Well when i bought the car it didn't have an engine thats true but when i put the 302 in i had to repalced the insturmental cluster...
If my mav had a i6 and swaped it for a 302 will it need 302 enigne crossmember? Would any one be willing to sell me somes in case i do them them?...
I just took it to the shop to in hopes of getting the 302 engine settled down on the motor mounts but the guy told me 302 mounts I bought didn't...
Updates on speed-o cable I took the car to the transmission shop and the guy said he would check it for me so hopefully sometime today i should...
Could some body tell how can i check/know if all fuses are working in my maverick because the radio just died on me yesuturday?:confused:
Hi guys, I have a question about my 77 2dr mav. The front L/R fenders are pretty rusted out and iam think about going with fiberglass...
Hi, Does any body have a speedometer cable they can sell me or tell me were i can get one? :bawling: Mine doesn't work it won't move the speedo??
size of bolts What would the size of the motor bolts be:confused: ? Thanks
1) do i need a v8 bell housing if my engine is a v8 302 and the tranmission is form a i6? 2) How do i know if my Throttle Cable is connected to...
Thanks Thanks that will save me some money i think i willl just specail order them then but thanks agian and thanks for the info on the dash...
seat belts question? Corbin were did you order your seat belts from?
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