Dmhines Dan would you happen to know how to get in touch with Acorn i've been trying to e-mail him but can't get a responds? Trying to get the 75...
looking for the cluster! Ok if any one has a cluster that will work for my 77 maverick in good shape and far price let me know ok, iam on a tight...
Acornridgeman I checked my e-mail but i didn't get you email Acornridgeman? I did however have alot of Spam mail:16suspect.
Thanks for the heads up the only thing is there are no maverick's in junk yards were i live:( . Are ther any other sultons.
Hey iam looking for a guage insterment cluster for my 77 maverick were can i get one or what other clusters will work? Hopefully there is one that...
Does any one know if a 1972 maverick Cluster will work on a 77 maverick:confused: Mine is in really bad shape:(. If anyone has one/knows were to...
Would the electric be better cause i put everything electrical under the hood?? -Danny
HI, I need to added a temp gauge to my 77 mave but dont know how to hook up everything and what type of temp guage i need? IT has a 302 V8. Danny
Can u help me find out what is missing under the hood i dont know anything about cars?
I clean the battery cables that did the job:bouncy: it was the (+) cable that need cleaning. :hmmm: I have One more question, What things are...
Whats a SOLENOID????
Thanks guys I'll check to see if its any one of those things thanks guys:) . By the way how do u post a pic with your message i was trying to put...
No batter is fine heads lights and everything that runs with batter is working?
I tried to turn on my maverick project car today and i think i killed it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:slap:. I pressed the gas thingy next to the carbtuer to...
reply to dmhines Could possilbely work:hmmm: do you have a pic so i can see what it looks like? Iam interstead thanks:D. I'll post some pic's...
cluster gauge help!! Hear are the pic's of the gauge (i think cluster) my 77 mave had but its in really bad shape what should i do????:hmmm:...
Does the fuel/speedometer/tempture/ gauge work iam look for one for a 77' maverick since my disinterged form being so old. Thanks
I have been working on a 77 maverick 2dr V8, took me 8 yrs to get her up and running and now that is complete i cannot drive it becasue there is...
Thanks Thanks alot guys well do:D
E-bay would be got if i had a creait card but i dont :o so i am very limited to were i can get the mave parts. I would be go if someone could get...
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