While we're decoding... I've lost the little blue placard on the driver's door of my Mav. Can someone tell me where 5K92L149005 was...
Interesting options... Went junking today to find something to work as a custom grille, since mine got smashed by a guardrail. Found grilles...
My spring experience... Probably doesn't apply to the discussion, but is related... I got a brand new set of custom springs made by Riteway...
A couple of things that torked me off... Some of these might be obvious to you, but for me I had no idea that I'd have these issues... 1. The...
...like that cool burgundy-colored Mav in that one magazine not too long ago... Yours, Atzy.
Oh, okay. Well, you folks could probably tell that I don't know much about those things...since I don't have one. What I want to do is get one...
Not sure if this is "technical" or "cosmetic" but here goes... On <'73 Mavs it's the curved part under the front bumper that has little lights...
Ooooh, now I have a question... With the vapor canister gone, can I use the vapor tube (the steel one that comes from the gas tank to where the...
Right on, thanks! n/m n/m
Question... My '75 (formerly 250) has a little PS cooler in the engine compartment on the driver's side forward. My '77 (302) doesn't have...
My observations... Ray, I put in an '85 302 (Mustang GT) and an AOD at the same time. Besides matching up flywheels, crankshafts and...
Thanks! Great info there. I have a '77 timing cover with an '85 block and aftermarket balancer, and I'm getting some interference. I hope that...
Cool again... Your alternator mounting looks just like mine, is that an '82 water pump too? Continued thanks, Atzy.
Cool... What year/model timing chain cover are you using, and does it interfere with anything? Is your dipstick up forward or somewhere in the...
Sorry, meant '81 and up...n/m n/m
Question... Do you have a V-belt system on your '85 up 302? If so, what year/model combination of timing chain cover, water pump and accessory...
MavMark... I was looking at the dash removal article, but couldn't find the "installing the other dash" article. Is it hidden somewhere?...
Thanks... for the information. It was built in 10/75, so I'll just have to compare straight up. Thanks! Yours, Arriel.
Will a '77 2d gas tank (from V8) fit in a '75 4d (used to be 250, now 302). Is there a capacity difference between the two as well? Thanks, Atzy.
Interesting... Do you have pictures of this Mach1-on-your-71 setup? Yours, Atzy.
Separate names with a comma.