That's tough... You see, it's very difficult to put a value on cars that are no longer in blue books, because technically they're not worth very...
Okay... Okay...I'm taking the wrench to it tomorrow! :::Atzy.
Sounds silly, but just to make sure, I thought I'd ask the question. Will a folding bench seat from a '77 2d bolt right into a '75 4d that has a...
Another of those few people... Hi, I have long headers in my '75 right now that were originally designed for 71-73. To get them to fit, I had...
Does anyone know what sorts of mods I'll have to do to get a '77 2d 302 gas tank into a '75 4d 250? Also, does anyone know the capacities of...
Never Mind Okay, so after just unplugging the old Duraspark, the car still started fine. Looking at the setup, the MSD circumvented all the old...
IMHO I liked the crate when I did it. If you're just starting out and don't know much, it's almost a no-brainer. Almost all the parts are there...
I concur... Be cool, man. I know what it's like. I'm terribly impatient. I was tooling around like decapitated poultry for months until I...
Hmmm, okay makes sense. What about the little grey box under the horn, right next to the P/S cooler? Thanks, Atzy.
They're backordered on Summit (I ordered mine from them too and haven't gotten them yet). You shouldn't expect to get them for about a month. As...
Hey there! As we say, "Welcome aboard." No finer bunch of Maverick internet enthusiasts than right here! Best of luck, Atzy.
Hey Rick, Yup, I got everything you've got. The $549 package (on sale for $529). I cheated and hade a local shop do it for me, but I learned a...
The PST Super PolyGraphite front end looks cool, and makes my beast steer like new! (Not like I'd know, since it's older than I am anyhow.) I...
After removing the 250 and placing a 302 and MSD ignition in my Mav, there are a lot of extra boxes and wires. Someone told me that I could...
Yo. Hi, and welcome! Yours, Atzy.
Cool. That's a very unique look. I can't say I've ever seen that before. A trendsetting visage, for sure! Yours, Atzy.
Sure... Sure. It's kind of "ghetto" but as soon as I take a picture I'll try to post it! Yours, Atzy.
Just in case anyone was thinking of this...I just put one of those electric trunk openers in. The kit was about $20 in JCWhitney. The solenoid...
Try this one... Corbin, How about a Flex-a-Lite 16" or 17" aluminum fan? The part numbers are FLX-1516 and FLX-1517 respectively in Summit....
Did you say "free?" Hello Max, I'm in Bremerton, WA and may be interested...check your E-Mail! Thanks, Atzy1
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