powerblock out of all the restoration shows on these days i like the powerblock that comes on spike tv on saturdays and sundays the best..the...
true true that...they may have to actually build a car rather than buyin all new stuff and assembling a car...
the guys on the show fast an loud on discovery channel came across a maverick on the show tonight....the car got almost thirty seconds of air time...
1913 my dad and i own a 1970 grabber...1913 now
where is that stuff sold
I've tried the thinner on a rag...it won't cut it...
yea I realized the p instead of the m as soon as I posted an then said owell..I posted from.my phone an its screwy at times
i just found this threadan all i can say is WOW... ur doin some major open heart surgery on that puppy...looks great tho..keep it up dude
so the idiots who had my car before me spray bombed the entire car inside and out all black..even all the chrome trim around all the glass in the...
yea. id be interested in those for sure..could you post up some pics of them or shoot me a pm or something..
and thanks for all the replys...you guys really know ur stuff
yea I was kinda leaning towards it being a clone car..the digit after 91 is L.....the stripes were probably added later....owell its not a big...
thanks..ill do that
what's the easiest/best way to determine if I have a 8 or 9 inch under my car?
second digit is k...what's a buck tag?
when u search calverts site for maverick parts those nine ways.cr series.shocks dnt show on the list...I assume they'll fit??
cool..my mother was born an raised in that area...sure is a small world
well according to the site from the linc on the post above...it is a grabber...my car has the black plastic grill..black stripes doen the side and...
so were the black stripes down the side and on the hood and the grille available on other trim.models?
ive read on this site that all grabber have 93 in the vin but then i read that the 70 model grabbers didnt necessarily have 93 in the vin.....that...
Separate names with a comma.