We would probably enjoy that however my wife might disagree. He is turning 2.
I will plan for that.
Nice, that explains all the time to work on your cars.
My sons birthday is Saturday otherwise I would join everyone.
I take it the two of you are retired?
That could be and the Master Cylinder will be different.
The sun trick helps. I just went through this on my truck it took it a couple months before it looked perfect, every hot day the carpet seemed to...
I would think this would as simple as a spindle swap. http://mmb.maverick.to/showthread.php?t=35957&garpg=1
Looks great.
Anyone have a good pic of how they should look?
Wow, I will have to make me effort to get up there.
If its a paper type cover and I am assuming glued around edges would it come apart while removing?
How many cars would you say showed up?
So its something one time use? Is there anyone that has replacements that you know of?
This is not my picture but mine is very similar. Should there be a cover or plug that covers up the screws or are they made to be exposed? [IMG]
I think they look great just like that. :tup:
Thanks, lol. Yes, either stock carbon fiber or maybe stock with exhaust cutouts.
Quit screwing up my tread, start your own aerodynamics thread. I am trying to get us the hookup on parts.
IMO that would look terrible on Maverick. Lets just agree to disagree.
I doubt there is much market for something like that vs a nice stock replacement.
Separate names with a comma.