where can i find a circuit board that goes behind the gauge cluster, the connections on mine are peeling of and arent connecting with the plug.
well i feel like an idiot, the cable just needed to be pushed back into the speedo:banghead:
i just got the mav running again last night and hopped in for drive today, everything sounded good and it was running good but when i looked down...
Where can i find info on it, this is the first time ive heard about it.
i thought it was the battery but wasn't sure. ill get a new one tomorrow but theres a problem with the wiring that i need to work out. the battery...
im in Dunwoody, its a couple miles east of Sandy Springs and about 15 miles north of Atlanta
would that prevent a jump from working?
My maverick stopped starting without a jump in october and i didn't really have time to work on it with wrestling and school i had almost no free...
its been a LONG time since ive been on here, but now that im done wrestling for good and im almost done with school for good i have a good chunk...
nope, no light. how would i go bout testing the wire harness? my neighbor gave me an voltage meter and told me how to use it to test wires but i...
i just replaced the bulb but that didn't do anything.
I replaced it a little under a year ago.
id like to get it working tonight since iv got to get to school tomorrow morning, the connections are clean. How do I replace the bulb?
so my alternator light has been coming on randomly but would get lighter the higher my rpms went and then it would cut out all together. my turn...
im pretty sure. the car likes too bounce a lot after i go over a bump and i cant go over 60 without the entire car shaking.
I'm gonna go with KYB but do I need to replace my coil springs and leafs too. I saw facelessnumbers tech article on his econoline leaf swap and...
Im going to replace my suspension in a few weeks but I'm not sure what shocks I should get. I'll probably get them from summit, any suggestions...
My mav is still shutting off when I stop and leave it in gear it will run fine in neutral or in park just not when it's in gear. It is shifting...
I knew it!! The maverick at the end was a different color and did not have bucket seats.
it was a stock(besides the back seat missing) yellow maverick
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