Welcome from Spokane, WA. I haven't seen an EXP in years!
Welcome from Washington State. Nice looking 73
:Welcome: From Spokane, Washington! There are a few U.K. Members here.
Hope you're enjoying the warm welcome! Don't let it scare you away, we really are helpful people here.
Email sent.
I have a 71 underdash harness with the fuse panel, but they don't look quite like the illustration you posted.
Sounds sweet, but we need more PICS!
If it's one big click it's the starter or cable. If it's continuous clicking it's low voltage to the solenoid. Check cables for good clean contacts.
That's cool!
It's probably a dual pattern wheel.
That's kind of a personal preference thing. Do you have a certain look your going for?
Wow Bruce, you've resurrected a really old thread. I also remember you from the seventies. My dad ran a Maverick gasser and turbo Pinto back then.
I think the 35 denotes offset in mm, which would give this wheel a 4.8in backspace.
Welcome to the forum, we like pics!
More people will see this if you post what you need in the wanted section. Make sure to include the year, trim, color, and AC or non AC.
64 2dr post?
Howard, the car looks awesome! That 4.6 looks right at home under the grabber hood, very sanitary work. Hope you enjoy driving it as much as I...
Sounds like you have a bent hinge.
Then you better get another one, your an integral part of this forum!
Separate names with a comma.