Out with the old, in with the new. ... had to take the drive shaft in to be shortened by 1" so I can have some play from front to rear....
was yours a auto to t5 or automatic to t5??
did anyone have to shorten the drive shaft on this install?? and how much play do i need to have in the drive shaft from front rear???? deep in it...
Ok so my T5 is going in tomorrow if all goes well. Got the complete kit from Modern Driveline over 2 months ago and hope to get it all set up...
so i guess i should be looking for a 28oz flywheel then correct???
I am about to buy a flywheel to install when i do my T5 install. Which one should i get and what is the advantage or disadvantage?? will i,...
Got my T5 and will be installing it soon..... does it matter which wire goes to what side on the T5? currently I have the reverse light wired to a...
Get this..... I was in the process of ordering the 2 bearings from motion industries, $20 each, i was willing to pay that with no issue.........
thanks MNTony!!, what i am trying to eliminate is the nylon bushings at the equlizer bar on the engine side under the car....
Has anyone ever modified their EZ Bar like that in this artical.... if so any suggestions or reccomendations??? The part I am most interested in...
:1st: Thanks GUYS that is just what i wanted to know..... any idea where i can get a rebuild kit for this TopLoader?? Has anyone ever heard of...
OK, i can live with the higher RPM's, but what are the must haves to make this connection work? My current set up is 3 speed manual in the floor,...
Thanks for the input guys!!!! rtthomas, are you saying that the t5 bell will work with the 4speed toploader???
Hmmmmm if that is the case with the higher RPM's then what is the benafits of the 4th gear??
OK my Maverick Family........ once again i have gotten a lead on a 4 speed transmission, these are the numbers found on it.. RUG E1 021732 C5AR...
New Battery and Volt Regulator...... Volt gauge has me running at 14 on the button now...... Thanks Guys for all your help and input, really...
Hmmmm thanks for the tip, i think I will change it out along with the battery. I am sure it's time for a new one by now. What amps should my...
Thanks Krazy, i knew i wasn't CRAZY!!!!! i will be replacing that tomorrow! !!!!! And could that lead to a "dead battery moment" when everything...
All 3 have been replaced and are new..... Neg. Pos. and the starter Cable.....
1. Yea, I think there is a hole some place but it got to be in the top half, cause it only leaks when the tank is over half full........ 2. I...
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