thanks alot that is less money i have to spend. im sorry for so many questions but you do have to get a double hump transmission mount right?
okay thanks. some more questions. do i have to get 90 degree spark plug boots? and will the headers fit with an auto trans with a column shift?
im not sure what world windsor heads are. my heads are basically stock except for some milling and porting
i am very close to getting my 6901 hooker headers and i have heard that you have to get accel shorty header spark plugs. what is the part number...
going to big swap meet in nashville on feb 5 i will be glad to take any parts to jim if anyone going to be there?
alright here it goes how much?? and where do i send money for the video :bouncy:
:hmmm: what a good price on pertronix ll
for real. now i just have to find fulton. haha
down in mississippi where i live all of the dragstrips are closed for the winter. i cant wait until spring when they open back up so that i can...
i'am getting ready to install a radio:clap: before i cut the bezel what to make sure its not of value or any other suggestions :huh:
i got a set of 66 closed chamber heads and i was looking for some rockers and some of the rockers said rail type. what does that mean?
i agree with jamie it is probably a sunk float or junk in the needle and seat. i had a holley 600 that leaked gas out of the vacuum pump. but i...
i am 99.99999999999999% sure that antifreeze does not evaporate and that is what it is designed to do. sometimes when i have antifreeze leaks i...
nope it has air
it is now winter time and my heater core is busted. i think i am going to be mr. toughguy and not worry about heat. i quickly found out that it is...
hey jamie my maverick looked about like that 72 when i got it but mine was greener ( from the mildew) and mine had more leaves.:rofl2:
i would like to ride at "speed" in dyno don mav ONE TIME
where do you get the head lights on the the maverick in "mustang&ford",i like those alot.any details about them would be great :clap: :tiphat:
A while back i was flipping through the channels and i saw a movie that had a lot of muscle cars from the 70s. that caught my eye. as i was...
:clap: 4 yes 4 mavericks on front and back cover of annual drag sport pictorial "the birth of pro stock":bouncy: :thumbsup:
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