Sold mine for a short time when I was 17 ,bought it back a year later,now I,m 43 and she,s in my garage.People can,t belive it either.Long live...
I,ve seen you run at Fun Ford in Bristol, it is a great looking car.It made me consider orange
i got the sweet cherry 74 white maverick at tru it rang up as a promo
I got one from Chuck Stalnaker years ago @ The Mavericki Connection.
Anyone ever see the new "Suede Paint"? I think it would look cool.
someone suggested oven cleaner,ever heard of that?
I,ve had several including,"DRGRACE","REAGANS","OIF3",which means OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM .
What is the preferred method of filling low spots of uerthene body parts,and what is the best primer for them?:hmmm:
Thanks for the info,I guess all around here were lost during repaint,back in the day emblem glue was worthless,we,ve came a long way.
Iwas going through all my emblems ,which have been removed for years,and I lost the spoiler emblem.I always thought these were rare,my question is...
How Long Did That Take?
i,ve seen both quarter window,and rear louvers,but i,ts been years.J.C. Whitney used to sell the rears.I wonder where thet all went.I would love a...
IN my humble opinion,I say put the 8.8 in the Fairmont,then convert to 5 lugs,many cheap kits available for the mustang.Then put late model wheels...
Yes there were two films ,but not any comets in them. It,s just a brand gimmic thing.
Where did you get the Mad Max video?It would look good on My space.
I,ve waited since 1980 on a 1/24th diecast maverick.I,m excited,I hope they have the primered model too.
I bet that import had alot more invested,to run 7:51to a domestic 7:54 or what rver it was.Not a streetabl car either.
Wow, I,m going to have to get a kit.
Hey Squeler remember Retro is cool now,so ,you are too.
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