Wonder if you offered him 250.00 if he would sell the hood,spoiler and a few small parts,just an idea if 600.00 is to much,thats almost half that...
Now I know that alot of you guys on the forum do not have this issue because you have either changed the front bumper or do not drive or let your...
you can open the picture in paint click on image at the top resize/skew and reduce the horizontal & vertical and save
My first maverick was a 1974 2 door 6 I bought in 1984 for $500 dollars my second was a 1973 grabber 3 on tree v8 bought in 1985 for $800 dollars...
:HandshakeWelcome from Ohio,keep an eye out on the posts people here are very helpful on finding parts,also lots of good posts to read for...
welcome from northeast ohio
theres a hole that a golf ball can fit through on the door,who knows whats under the snow hopefully not wet interior.There no black grill...
I was coming home from a estate sale and spotted a small bumper comet in someones back yard. Is this what some of you guys call mavericks in the...
wow that sure is pretty,would really show nice with black engine compartment.And it sounds like it should hook up good on the throttle:tup:
Reminds me of a black 65 2 door galaxie I almost bought when I was a kid.I was working on a farm and the farmer & my dad both told me I did not...
From what I have been reading there is kick panels from certain years that have the cut outs or vented.Theres pics here somewhere.I still have the...
:Welcome:to the one of the coolest Ford sights on the internet.Read on fellow comet owner:2thumbs:
welcome to the board fellow comet / maverick owner :Handshake
I was a faithfull user of amorall,then one of my friends told me that it wasnt good & thats why there was so many older cars with cracked...
comets r more feminine than mavericks OMG back to a parts car for mine:rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:
you guys stayed within 1 vote most of the way, 2 heads are better than one unless its a mule:deadhorse
yep good idea it has to come apart in the spring time anyway for body work just did not like the old ugly behind the license plate cap
yes I probablly should have double checked for myself here before ebay,but it was a good deal :thumbsup:& the auction said 76 some people dont...
I bought a nice gas cap for my 76 comet and it does not seam to want to work,it was cold and snowing and I grabbed it when I put gas in the car...
gas cap 76 ?
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