we took a pic of these rims today in a junkyard...the guy said they are off a Bearcat...does anyone know for sure... and what would they be worth if they are?
They are mid-70s generic Dodge. Same bolt pattern. Common rims. Get the spoiler... it's worth much more. Edit: Those rims were used on AMCs too...
Jeff, don't you have a better pic. of the front wheel? had a great time hanging with you today..the eats were great...Summit was a blast as always we will have to do it again...real...soon.:Handshake ...Frank...
Dan, the Bearcat i saw had a ...Bearcat emblem like the ...Sprint and Stallion emblems... ...Frank...
Here is the front wheel. It is a better pic showing the spokes. Yeah we will have to do this again...very...soon.
Those are actually AMC wheels off of a Hornet or something.The Grabber spoiler may be worth something though.
are those wheels different than slot mags??? The only difference I see is that the outline of the slot isn't painted. Has anyone around here actually seen one in person???
I would love to have those pictures for my Maverick Heaven website (if I ever get around to updating it.....but that is another story). I would need to know year, options, location, etc. Thanks
Complete rear spoiler....Grabber hood...Fog light grille...Sport mirrors,WHY are you looking at the Rambler wheels?????
Too bad that grabber hood is bent up.Probably rotted too,definitely get that spoiler and end caps off the quarters.
I don't think they were exclusive to the Pacer. You were right the first time. I have seen them on several different AMCs. I believe they were even sourced from Mopar. AMCs were built from parts sourced from all of the 'Big 3'. Edit: The original poster should print off that Pacer pic and take it to the "Bearcat rims" seller and laugh in his face. I wonder what he was asking... ??? Probably thought he found a sucker.