Didn't do so good last weekend in Vegas. First pass did a massive wheelie and broke my steering, oil pan and maybe other stuff. Sucks cause I could have done well I think. Heres the pics. Oh, and wheelie bars are not allowed in the class. http://members.boardhost.com/pscaracing1/msg/1284837186.top
so the exhast fell off before you came down from the wheelie? at least there are some good pics of it. sorry to hear that there was so much damage.
Wow, the right rear came off the ground. Wonder why the exhaust came loose: Like to see the shots from the photographer behind the starter.
So much powah that the exhaust pulled out of the clamp. I drove down the track and went almost 100mph to the 1/8 with the exhaust hanging out the side. Went to pull over in case there was an oil leak or something and the steering wouldn't turn and I was heading towards the wall, but I was able to stop it just at the finish line 1/4 mile. It made for a few good pics, but I don't ever want to do that again.
Ha ha, I'm the same guy, I just had to change my screen name cause you all gave me such a hard time. I told you I had a wheelie problem with my street car.
insane erick truely insane but i love seeing a mavs front wheels off the ground to bad it hurt your car.hope you can get it fixed soon john
Wow! I know the feeling! I was pretty lucky on no damage. Getting wheelie bars on now and ladder bar repaired. What you gonna do to tame it down? ,,, not a easy task, I'll tell ya,,,