So when the gas tank is totally filled the gauge shows about 3/4 full and when the tank is almost totally empty it shows 1/4 full. When the car is off it falls all the way to zero so I know it is functioning but it's just off. what's the reason for it and how can I fix it?
theres probably some deposits on the unit itself... fourth bullet. this is the first one i found, i'm sure theres more that do the same thing.
If you google it, I'm sure you can find several suppliers. They might not list "Maverick" but I'm sure most floats for Ford products of that era would work. Here is a great source to read regarding sending units: Here are some floats from some Mustang parts stores: PS: I had to replace the float in my '76 for the same reason.....
thanks, awesome links! is it hard replacing the sending unit if I ended up replacing the whole thing?
Actually it's very easy, and you're lucky because I believe they still make replacements sending units for your year car (not just the float). I've also seen sending units on eBay as well. All you have to do is drain the gas, then there is a slip collar on the drivers side of the tank that you have to tap with a rubber hammer/screwdriver to loosen up. Once that is off, the sending unit will come right out. You also might want to get a new gasket, just in case the old one is shot....
Nope, no reason to drop the tank. The sending unit is on the lower "side" of the tank, and it'll actually be a fairly quick project. Takes longer to drain the tank (I used a syphon hose) than to replace the sending unit....
Here is a link to my "old" thread where the members here helped me out with the same issue. It might have some additional information....
sending unit There is a company called tristar radiator that rebuilds units. Ithink they are in NY. State They say they can rebuild any sending unit.
Well so I ordered the sending unit so I can have it in case I need to replace it. I'll see if there is something that I can fix myself on the one I have right now. If I don't need the new one I'll return it.