and I bet they weren't there to buy oil and a filter to change the oil in his car either, bastards.... Glad to hear the car was recovered mostly in one piece :bananaman
That's great you got it back. Now to get it back together & don't let it happen again. Your dream of finding it parked somewhere came true. I'm happy for you. Can't wait to see pics....
Well Sheriff Woody was on the job today... an extremely GREAT person stopped by the house and gave us the best news ever!!! "I know who stole your car"!!! I sat at the table just waiting for the name. We called the police and they relayed all the info to them. Two hours later he was in custody admitting to racing it and stealing it. He also went on to say he watched my place for 2 years to figure out where things were at.. He is a young man that made a very poor decision that will stay with him for the rest of his life.
Really great you have your car back and might see some justice if the judge doesn't feel sorry for the punk. Scary, creepy scary, that he cased your place for 2 years. I absolutely hate it when my shop doors are open and a car comes almost to a stop on the road in front so the driver can gawk at what is inside.
WOW!!! 2 years...amazing, that he had that much determination to do something sooo stupid. I always have one or 2 cars in the driveway to block the view, we don't have much traffic, but when they slow down I always watch to see what they are doing.
Chandler: You decribed this young man that stole your car alot better than I would have. Very descent and balanced restraint, considering the emotional roller coaster he put you guys through. Thank God you have it back. I would have been crushed.
No I did not know him personally, but with the job working at the school alot of people "know" me or shall I say know what you drive and after a while know where you live especially when my wife sells Mary Kay and we have a Pink Mailbox (please no ribbing on that we have a had free cars for 14 years including 2 cadillacs) I truly have no simpathy for the guy he will get what he deserves and when he turns on his other buddies that were with him they can all reminisce about all the fun they had as they learn who their new "daddy" is in the prison cell.
Glad to hear you got it back John. Hope he is made to pay for the damages. I'd be getting an estimate together to give to the judge.
Great news! I hope they learned from there mistake cause the next joy ride is going to be to jail. hope they pay for all damages!
So how did the witness know who took it? Was it a case of them bragging about stealing it, or did they just see them in the car? Or did they see them leaving the scene of the crime? Enquiring minds want to know!
You would think after 2 years the car would have vanished. What kind of a yo yo drives it to Walmart. I mean its not like that Mav is easily recognized right....Oh boy. Hope you get some fair justice out of this. Up here hed likely be a young offender and be back stealin cars literally within days.