chrome bumpers im in for front and rear little bumpers at least a converting my 74 comet to little bumpers and my existing big bumpers are shot and not desireable for one seems to have a black or dark blue set of 3 point bucket seat belts for the 74...anybody????
comet little front bumpers joe..sure would be nice of you to produce front little bumpers also for the sure the comet guys,myself included are in need..also cowl pan,cowl pan cowl pan..we all will need with the exception of a few that have already hand made the fabrication..just the thought of drilling out the spot welds is scary!!
No, would like to convert to the small bumpers. Would be interested in all of the parts to be able to completely get rid of the big bumpers. Thanks,
I'd be in for one front, two rears. Would you be able to offer "raw" bumpers (unplated, no chrome) suitable for painting?
The Conversion kits from big to small bumpers are in the works,, Kit will have the following parts,,, Front and Rear small Bumper (composit Chrome) or un Chromed,, Front stone guard,, the front Conversion brackets,,, rear Valence 2 trunk floor to tail light mounting pannel weld in suports,,, and 2 rear bumper mounting brackets and will also have front Composit Valence,, along with the verticle suport bracket front,,, Some of the parts needed to make up the conversion kits are not finished just yet,,, but we are hoping to have them out in mid to late spring,,, Thank You Joe
The large bumper guys have not been forgotten,,,we are planning on making the front and rear Bumper re-enforcements along with the Composit chrome big front and rear bumpers,,, So dont worry its in the works,, Joe
I'd buy a set of chrome bumpers for my 69.5! At those prices, it should be a heckuva lot cheaper and easier to buy new ones rather than straighten and rechrome the crapped out ones I've got!