Thanks guys. glad you like them. Still plenty left. I have been wondering about you Captain Ron Happy Holidays.
I just got my calendars yesterday. It looks great. I want my Grabber in next year's. Now that I see the kind of photos you used (neutral backgrounds, fields or bushes), I'll take better pictures. BTW my 1973 yellow grabber looks almost exactly like Willie Opurt's 1975 Grabber used for July. That's very appropriate since I bought my grabber on July 1, 2005. What a great Anniversary reminder. Roz
John, money order is going out tommorow 12/22. Have a Merry Christmas BTW, I was wondering what year did you start making these calendars? this will be my first time geting one.
John how about sending a couple calenders out to the magzines just to give them a reminder that the maverick enthusiast is alive and kicking!!!!!!!
Still have plenty left. If you have sent in an order and not recieved your calendar (in a reasonable amount of time) send me a PM and I will get working on it. If I do not hear from anyone, I will assume all orders are getting through. I have 3-4 orders that I will mail today. Thanks again!