got mine yesterday. thanks. i will definately have to work on some better pics to compete with the ones in your calendar. looks good
I want 1 but won't be able to send a check until mid Jan, do you have plenty? By the way thanks for your hard work, will you keep picts for future calenders?
I will mail them out, at worse case, at the end of the week that I recieve the order and it normally takes 3-4 days in the mail.
Can you confirm when you get the check I mailed the 9th with .37 stamp they went up to .39 on 1-8 so just want to make sure it got there it didn't come back to me
2006 calendars Hello John. I received my calendars yesterday in the mail.. looked thru them twice. A GREAT job... thanks again for your hard work at putting out a great calendar.. these are better than ones made to be sold in stores.. I applaud you John, the Crazy Canadian--Ron
Becky found the mailing receipt last night, it was mailed on Tuesday to St. Charles, so that should be you... Let me know when you get it! JF