There are a few in the gallery, and Stefan posted some here:
having a blast!!:bananaman was great to see old friends,and to finally put a face to a name!to boss9,my brother darrel,all i can say is:na na,na you should have came!you would have loved the race's.the people are great,the racing kicks a$$,and i'm having a blast.don't worry darrel,the phone's all charged up,for this evening's elimination match!special thanks to john ford:Handshake i came here without my maverick,but i got to drive his around for the day (not pinky)got to meet stefan(the big cheese)great guy.this is my first round-up,but definetly not my last!!i think i'm hooked now!just renewed my membership,so i'll definetly be back!!to everyone who has never attended a round-up,you need to go!you won't be disappointed!more to come...later chuck.
We are having a great time as well! The weather kind of stinks today but it looks like it should start clearing up soon. I think the evening sessions are the best part...sitting in a big circle shootin' the sh!t surrounded by Mavericks and Comets.. It doesn't get any better than that.
This is Mavs son at home...alone....IM SCARED J/K.Im glad he got to go he wasnt sure for a while if you was going to go or not but it worked out.He called me and told me that his car is not running as quick as it was but it very consistant and he is doing well.For those wondering about the racing results the weather there got kinda rainy so racing was stopped and the racing will go on Sat. weather permitting to see who wins the bracket racing.Good luck to all of you but you know who im rooting for :bananaman M.A.V's son Sonny
I really wanted to come to the Roundup and now seeing the pictures and knowing how much fun your having. I'm totally depressed Thanks for the pictures though.. I'm sure they will make others who weren't able to make it feel as bad as they did me
It's official, I got a couple bucks together for gas and I'm driving down in the morning, I hope to be there bright and early to catch up with everyone! Won't have my '71, but I'll survive. EDIT: Is the show AT the hotel?
if only i could have gotten my new job next month insted of last month.. my mavericks really dissapointed we didnt make the trek this year.. might have to take him for an oil change and tire rotation to make him feel better.... chuck dont forget about me!! lol
Hey guys...just checking in. It's been a blast so far and the racing was so much fun. I'm in the motel lobby right now getting ready to hit the parking lot b/s session. It's 6 minutes past midnight so I guess we got a couple more hours b/s'ing. We got to get our cars in the new convention center between 7-8 am. Being inside sure is gonna be great this year. Got some great cars here again...wish you all could be here. Well...gotta go get in the parking lot circle...catch you guys later.