Honey, I miss our late chats... and no I am not visualizing "Men of MMB". I would be requesting more than one if you were in it. So John...I need one, uno por favor
I'm sorry dear...I'll try to make myself more available in the future. I could always just send you a lifesize poster of me if that would make you feel better.
Ray and Gene need to leave this thing could turn out like a radiator thread:evilsmile (which was very infomative ask stmaser ) Gene did you send rays christmas gift? i think Ray deseves the same thing i got i would like to thank chandler also ( he may not know why but he can ask gene) one word : peanuts not the roasted variety either sorry John back to the rearend swap
That makes a calendar even better, for giving as a christmas gift.(yea, i'm a cheap azz) I have also decided to anounce my new year resolution... My new year resolution is to have my Comet make the calendar. Question is, which year? lol...Hope your still around when i'm ready to try for it John. Have I have missed it?...Payment details?
Trust me, your car don't have to be great to be in the calendar, you just have to take a good picture of it! My car is a 30-footer at best, and it was in the calendar a couple years ago. It helps if he doesn't get a lot of material to work with too.