When you go to press, ya might wanna start a new thread on paying/ordering as this one has become a monster.
Yes ,hotrodbob ,i agree we will be doing that monday morning ,we will start a poll for judging and another thread for ordering and paying for calendars ,cheers friend, four hours away from heading to the races ,see you all sunday night.
I'll probably get flamed for saying this, but why don't you just pick a dozen nice photos and run with it? I just want a calendar with Mavericks and Comets on it, regardless of whose they are. Seems like the whole voting deal complicates it even more.
I agree. When John Ford did his calendars he selected them himself and did a good job. Nobody knew what cars were in the calendar until they purchased it. I never heard of any complaints.
You are right. How about a vote on whether we should start a poll to determine if we need a vote for pictures?
Dave, we need 7 more to meet the 100. Are you intrested in any? I think Stefan can fix the poll if you do...but again .
Beers, chips, votes, pictures, calenders.......come on, this should not be so stressful, just order a calender and everything will be all right.
I am such a slacker. Gene, not only did I wait until the last minute, and ended up posting carwash pics again, but I did it at night this time. Actually I drove all over town trying to get that great night shot with perfect lighting, and I thought I had a few, but these were the only ones that didn't come out too grainy. I believe my camera sucks more than I thought it did, else I suck at using it. Anyway, I did say I'd post something before the deadline, so here are my entries: