Looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones. I've been to both the Gathering and the Roundup. I've met great people at each one. The last couple of years we've only been able to go to one. Since I'm the past president and Ruth is now the president, we have only gone to the Gathering. Hopefully we can start doing both again soon. See you in Somerset in July. If you have never gone, you have my sympathy. You really don't know what you and your family are missing. The Gathering is a totally family event, with friends from all over the country. Somehow some cars just happen to get involved.
I haven't been to a Gathering or Roundup before but plan to go to Somerset in July with my adult son. No wives, no kids and Coutangman is the only member I know that will be there. We'll be there only one day and am trying to decide which day would be best for us to attend. Want to meet some members and see their cars. Any suggestions as to which day would work best for us?
I just saw this post and was going to mention to come in Friday night and stay for the show and food on Saturday. See you when you get there.