Berry, Alabama is 6 hours away from Somerset/390 miles. Claremore is 9 hours 30 minutes away/612 miles. Looks like it will be tough to get somewhere 4 hours away. Distance is a factor for me, too, since I drive my classics, not trailer them. I am getting ready to drive one of them 800 miles one way to Louisville, Ky for a show. That is about my comfort zone limit. For me, it is 11 hours, 30 minutes to Somerset, 710 miles. Claremore is 18 hours away/1110 miles. Dayton is similiar to Claremore. Do a Mapquest search and see for yourself how close each proposed place is to you. Like Don and John have said, join the MCG so that you can vote and vote for your choice after all the sites are in. Jim
Everyone, myself included, would like to have a major meet in their own "backyard". All it takes is to join the MCG, do the leg work and submit a proposal. If the membership votes it in, you will have it. It is not a dictatorial organization, where one or two people decide what happens. The members will steer the club in the direction they want it to go. On another note, I will give this example on national meet locations. I am also a member of the Fairlane Club of America and have been for decades. It is a top-notch club and full of great folks. The national meet moves every year. A couple years back, the leadership decided to suspend west coast based meets because of habitual low turnouts. In addition, a large portion of the participants at those meets were from east of the Mississippi. This is nothing against the left coast or any other area, but merely to illustrate that it takes organizers AND participants to make it a success. It's no fun to throw a party where nobody shows up.
im in the first generation monte carlo club and we have a eastern and western meet every year. and the member that lives in the state the next meet is in sets it up.
The real issue is the west is huge......the midwest and east coast are condensed....... I agree with Jack Grice.... West coast guys get to it, start a club, or join one and have a meet with their blessing.... I looked into a a Cincinnati meet. I had Hotel rooms for $35.00 a night for single per(same chain as joplin) $45.00 for two or more I had Newport Aquarium Tickets on the cheap Cincinnati Zoo Tickets on the cheap I had Kings Island amusement park tickets for a fair price for an early day activity and I had just got started..... You just got to get it done..... Maybe some day there will be a meet in the Nati......who knows I got connections in this town......
I am in Nashville. This year I am focused on getting our car and then joining. Maybe 2012.... I know I have no voice in the matter now, but somerset would be good for us too.
join the MCG and have a vote. there is nothing more motivating (and deppressing ) than to attend a show where there is nothing but mavericks/ really gets the juices flowing
yes you can just an FYI, then deadline for proposals is Sept. once the deadline has passed. The MCG will gather the info and send it out to all the members for their vote. Don Graham is on this board, he is the president of the MCG. He's a pretty decent guy (you know I love you Don).
I have been working very hard to fix that problem. Been spending the past few weekends traveling the state of Tennessee looking and plan to go to Kentucky this weekend. Anyone want to pick the 3rd state in my journey?