Awesome! Could you imagine all the Mavs in a convoy to NM or AZ? I have yet to receive my "vote" email or any emails from the club since I have joined.
Sure hope you can make it Ward. If it is in Kentucky and you don't we will invade ETown and hunt you down.
I'm not sure how many, who aren't used to it, could stand the heat here in July. Of course, we could have it in the mountains.
Dosn't have to be i July, I don't even drive my Maverick in July. And I definitely don't want to drive it on a road trip when its that hot out. But a fall or spring gathering in the high country might be nice, somewhere along route 66.
I made a payment following the link to PayPal from the MCG site. My receipt says Payment sent to Matthew Williams. Copy and paste didnt work so well so I can get you the transaction ID if you need it. Can someone do a stand in vote for me if I dont get the email in time? You know what my vote is.
1800 mile round trip for me. We'll have to see how things pan out for me this next year. Is this the same weekend as the Somernites Cruise? That would be nice if our group could have a dedicated Maverick section there. Im really interested in the Autocross. Thats going to be fun. And my wife really likes the other activities planned.
692 miles to Sumerset,Ky. I guess thats not to far,Just hope I have all the bugs worked out by I see AAA in my future.........
Yea, the drive will be a big factor. Definetly will be fun once there. I know that I am not going to be bringing any Comet. I just can't pull a trailor that far with a car on it. Joplin was a bit of a stretch for me last time. It takes a toll on me since my wife refuses to drive and pull a trailor. She is ok driving once we are there and the trailor is un hooked. But then it seems she's driving at a snail's pace when I'm trying to stay up with the guys
Chris, Welcome to the Group. Ruth said she got you taken care of. I hope you will be able to make it. It really is a great time. Once there you'll be making it an annual event. We plan our outings and cruises with the family in mind. Thanks again for joining the MCG.
Chris, I'll gladly take your round trip (1800 miles). Mapquest says 27 1/2 hours and 1845 miles one way for me. And that's with 2 Grandchildren so we stop a lot.