Its the Famous Maverick Sprint-O-liner only 2 of these were ever made the one pictured and another that is rumored to be at Michael Jacksons Neverland Ranch...seems hes got a thing for modified NOSES!
That's it! "Bill in NC" had a spare Freightliner grill and he strapped it to the front of the Sprint to see what it would look like. I think with shortening the length and reducing the width to 3 or 4 ribs, it might look really impressive. It sure gets a lot of attention driving it around town like that!
I still think its photochopped--the ford symbol is missing from the front end on the second pic. Or it could come from that pickup truck in the backround-- besides that, it looks uglier than a rolls-bug body kit
You're right! It's a fake! That's not a Ford grille at all! I still say it looks like a Freightliner Columbia grille. What are you trying to pull on us Doug? One of these days, I'm going to cut it up and use the bars for a "billitt lookin" grille.